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PC(USA) hopes to achieve more diversity in church jobs, volunteers

New website will have ‘massive’ amount of information on database

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Photo of a man speaking into a microphone

The Rev. Curtis Kearns, General Assembly Mission Council executive administrator, speaks at the National Persons of Color Recruiting Network Reception Tuesday. —Photo by Tony Oltmann


All six agencies of the General Assembly are reaching out to people of color to make the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) a more diverse place to work and serve.

The National Persons of Color Recruiting Network has a new website where church leaders hope to compile a database of qualified candidates for jobs and volunteer positions within the church.

Job-seekers can register their names and pertinent information, or they can be nominated by others.

The six agencies of the PC(USA) hope to tap middle governing bodies, seminaries and others to identify and refer people of color for employment and appointment.

Curtis Kearns, the General Assembly Mission Council executive administrator, said the database is being designed as a feeder system to boost minority candidates into executive staff positions and as elected leaders. “You’re all invited to become charter members,” he said during a reception Tuesday night to announce that the website is now active and dynamic. “It’s no good to have a database full of names that just sit there and grow old.”

During the first phase of the rollout, the website asks for name, email and comments. Eventually, applicants or people making referrals will have additional forms they can file and a list of activities in which they can participate.

The website will also help agencies track which candidates were interviewed for open positions. While the church already exceeds its stated goal of maintaining a racial/ethnic workforce of more than 20 percent, organizers hope the effort to reach out will boost numbers in more senior positions, Kearns said.